An official army family and MWR Site

CYS Services



Welcome to CYS

Child and Youth Services (CYS) provides programs and services for children of eligible military and civilian families. Within CYS you will find something to meet your children’s needs, including:

  • Full, part time or hourly child care
  • Before/after school care
  • Camps
  • Programs for your middle school and teen youth
  • Instructional classes
  • Workforce preparation opportunities
  • Sports and fitness activities 

Today’s CYS programs, deemed a "model for the nation" by Presidential acclaim, continue to operate on these cornerstones:

  • Quality – Child care is DoD-certified and nationally accredited
  • Availability – Child care is available on- and off-post
  • Affordability – Fees for various programs are competitively priced and affordable regardless of sponsor's income
  • Accountability - To safeguard the Army's resources by efficient management oversight, good fiscal stewardship, reducing waste and protecting assets of programs and services to Soldiers and their Families.

ANAD_CYSS Parent Handbook CY 2017.pdf

Child Development Center

Full Day Care

Ages 6 weeks-Kindergarten

CDCs are on-post child care centers that may offer full-day, part-day and hourly care for children in nationally accredited environments.

Full Day

Includes center-based service that meet the needs of working parents requiring child-care services up to 12 hours per day for children 6 weeks through kindergarten age on a regularly scheduled basis.  Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks are included.  Fees are based on total household income, full-day fees range from $236 - $614 per month.  We are also open on the first Friday of each month from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Pre-Kindergarten /Strong Beginnings / Kindergarten

Kindergarten may attend the pre-school when school is not in session.

Strong Beginnings is a 3.5 hours/day program 4 days/week that provides school readiness skills for children turning 4 by 1 September.

Pre-Kindergarten is a program for 3 - 5 year old children attending on a continual basis from September - May.  We offer a 2-day part-day preschool on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:15 a.m to 11:45 a.m.  Our 4-day program runs from Monday - Thursday from 8:15 a.m to 11:45 a.m. Both programs fees are based on your total houshold income.

Hourly Care              The drop-in/intermittent hourly care program includes center-based developmental childcare that meets the needs of parents requiring short-term childcare on an intermittent basis.  The combined usage of a part-day prekindergarten and hourly care may not exceed 20 hours per week.  Fees for hourly care are $4.00 per hour per child.


School Age Center

School Age Center (SAC) offers before and after school programs for grades 1-5 and grade 6 before school only from September through May. Summer camps are offered June through August. Grade 6 can attend from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. with fees ranging from $26-$70. SAC also offers 4-H Programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Computer Lab, Open Recreation, meals and snacks. SAC staff escort children to and from school.

Before and After School fees are based on total family income and range from $126-$336 per month. Summer fees range from $52-$140 per week. The summer program also offers a variety of field trips included in the fees. 

Occasional Users

Hourly fee: $5 per hour (limited to 5 hours per week)
Part-time use is less than or, up to 4 hours per day: $20

Daily rate is for less than 4 hours per day: $35

The School Age Center is accredited by the Council On Accreditation (COA), and is DOD Certified.